Creating a comfortable space for anyone who identifies as queer, trans, and/or otherwise under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella.

At Queer Therapy Boston, we recognize the sense of comfort and safety which comes from being deeply understood. Our team of queer-identified therapists is here to support you, whether or not you want your identity to be a focus of your work in therapy.

Maybe you’re looking for a therapist who you can work with to explore your gender identity. Maybe you want it to feel easy and normal to refer to your partner without being judged, tokenized, or misunderstood. Maybe you want a supportive space to process your feelings of political and/or existential terror around the increasing marginalization of queer folks in the US. Maybe what you actually need is to work on your complex trauma and you just don’t want your therapist to get hung up on or distracted by your identity. Maybe you just feel safer being vulnerable with other queer people.

We’ve got you.

At QTB, our priority is to provide a supportive and healing space where you can bring your full, authentic self. We understand that gender, sexuality, expression, identity, and relationships are all uniquely intertwined for each individual and often layered with complexity and nuance. It’s often a challenging endeavor to figure out what terms fit best, how you see yourself, how you want to show (or not show) different aspects of your identity, and what all of this means for your relationships with friends, family, partners, etc. In case you’re wondering — yes, you are “queer enough”.

Our team of therapists routinely work with people looking to get support with:

  • Coming Out

    • ex. coming out as trans to your loved ones or workplace, coming out as asexual to a long-term partner, coming out when starting medical gender affirmation, etc.

  • Gender Affirmation

    • figuring out what labels (if any) feel good to you, how you want to present yourself

    • exploring feelings around gender affirming medical interventions such as surgery, hormone therapy, hair removal, voice training, and/or other interventions and working toward following through with what you want to do

  • Navigating Queer Relationships

    • finding your place in the queer community

    • dating, sex, relationships, etc.

  • Processing Religious and/or Political Trauma

    • exploring the impact of upbringing, role models, community, messages you received directly or indirectly and how these impacted your sense of self, security, attachment, and self-worth

  • Sex and Sexuality

    • exploring sexual identity & what this means for relationships, navigating sexual relationships and how they intersect with queer identity (including impact of gender dysphoria, internalized ideas about sexual “roles”, interests, preferences, & kinks, how to talk about sex with your partner(s), how to express your feelings, needs, boundaries, insecurities, etc. with your partner(s), normalizing diverse sexual experiences)

LGBTQIA+ Affirming Therapy