Gender-Affirming Surgery Letter Assessments

Queer Therapy Boston is proud to offer anyone in MA up to 2 free or “pay what you can” surgery letter assessment appointments via telehealth. Our team of therapists are all trained and familiar with writing letters for insurance and medical practitioner approval and have had letters accepted and used by clients.

It’s our goal to make the assessment process as comfortable as possible, given the circumstances. We aim to reduce “gatekeeping” and lower barriers to care for the trans, non-binary, gender nonconforming, & otherwise gender diverse community.

What to Expect:

If you reach out to us in need of a letter for a gender affirming surgery, this is what you can typically expect from our process:

  • generally minimal wait times (our current average wait time is 1-2 weeks)

  • filling out some paperwork ahead of time (basic consent forms and some background information about you)

  • a telehealth assessment with one of our licensed therapists (which can typically be completed in a single appointment)

  • (as appropriate) a letter of support provided to you and/or your surgical provider within one week of your completed assessment

Questions we ask:

  • general info about your gender identity and motivation for surgery

  • background about your mental health

  • context about your support system and plan for recovery

  • other related info as deemed relevant and appropriate to the assessment process

Queer Therapy Boston is a proud member of the Gender Affirming Letter Access Project (GALAP)